Accounts and Payments

Student Liability and Responsibility

When you register for a class, you are liable for payment of the charges on that class, whether or not you attend.  You may not register or obtain a transcript until your account is paid in full. To have the charges removed, you must withdraw from the class during the refund drop period. You are responsible for full payment of all charges on your account by the due dates, whether or not you receive billing notification, even if your account is being paid by another party.

Under ORS 348-105, you will be held liable for any charges on your account even if you are not yet 18 years old.

You are responsible for keeping 博天堂官方 informed of any address changes.

Failure to Pay: All Student Accounts

  • The college may require immediate payment of the entire account balance for failure to make timely payments including late-payment fees. The college will refer the account to an outside collection agency for failure to pay as agreed. If the account is referred to a collection agency and/or an attorney, collection, court and attorney costs will be added to the account.
  • Transcript requests will not be processed if an account is in a delinquent status.
  • The college has the right, without prior notice, to stop or suspend the extension of credit and to withhold services  if the required minimum payments are not made on time. The withholding of services includes, but is not limited to, registration for classes and workshops. The college may change the terms of the 博天堂官方 Payment Plan and may change existing and future charges at any time. Notice will be made in advance as required by law.